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zona donde se encuentran nueve cachorros de border collie y 1 jack russell adulto
Willing and ready for work

our upbringing

For us breeding is very special, we do it with the love and respect they deserve.
We take breeding very seriously, it is not a game and it is something that is not meant to be tried or seen to be born…

Sociability and education


Our puppies are raised at home, in a family environment, where we see them grow day by day.

We work with them with different stimuli, socializing them and accompanying them at every step.
The first weeks are very important for both the mother and the puppies, since she must recover and they begin their stage outside the womb, therefore, the first two weeks we have them super controlled, they sleep next to us, they are weighed to see Its evolution is observed if they are all suckling well, otherwise we take care of taking care of that puppy in a more special way, day by day to be sure that everything is progressing well.

un grupo 4 border collie y un perro desconocido 3 hembras y 1 macho las 3 hembras son de color marron claro y blanco y el macho de color blanco y negro, se estan conociendo
cachorro de border collie de tres meses tumbado mirando de reojo a la cámara
perro border collie, con los colores blanco y negro sentado en el césped seco, rodeado de vegetación
dos perros border collie un macho con colores blanco y negro, y una hembra con colores lila tricolor, estan saltando alegremente mientras pasean por la playa en una zona donde hay muchas piedras
Like an oak


During the growth of the puppies we send photos and videos to the families so that they can see their evolution. Our main interest is to deliver puppies to wherever families want and take care of them as they deserve.

We help families prepare for the arrival of the puppy at home and we advise so that its adaptation is the easiest and most comfortable way for both of us. We are always here to answer questions and help as much as possible.
Likewise, we like to be informed of how the adaptation process is going